“This is in context of the earlier blog- ‘The Epiphany’ posted on May 9, 2020, where the writer talked about uncovering the purpose of our lives. Through this blog I would like to add my contribution to the subject and, as well, provide an insight.

This is more like theory. Conceptual.”


Our lives are just like quests. Quests that begin with dreams and end with destinies. Every soul that dreams has the power to attain its destiny, conquer the absolute! A statement very divisive in itself. Let me put it like this.

Every soul that dreams and doesn’t intend to conquer this world attains the power to do so.

Now a question arises: If what scripted above is true, every affirmative person, i.e. at least half the people should be able to fulfill the goal of their lives. But this doesn’t happen. Why so?

The answer is: People fail the journey at different stages and its merely 1% of them at the start line who make it to the finish line.

The journey isn’t that difficult. It is divided into three important stages.

Stage 1: the dream.

Lucid dreams: What they are, and how to experience them
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Turns out everyone has been bestowed with the power to dream. But, unfortunately, half of them miss recognizing their true dreams. These people are out of the race even before it starts. As per the above information, all have comparable chances of failing and passing the quest. But in reality, the probability is more distorted than it seems at this stage. Let’s move on to the next stage to find more.

Stage 2: chasing the dream.

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Here is where 75% of the remaining break down. Following dreams isn’t any kind of a cakewalk and most dwellers give up before they are mid-way. For the rest of their lives, they are just walking undead with dead hearts whose lives succumb to fate.

Stage 3: the final trial.

The third step is where again, 90% of the remaining, who are lucky enough to come this far fail. The main reason for this is worldly attachments, knowledge, and malicious intentions. Never forget that motive is what distinguishes Ram from Ravan.

From the very start, we should remember that the ultimate purpose of life is fulfilment of the quest.

We should never forget that every dream can be manifested into a destiny. All we need to do is listen to the language of the earth buried deep inside us all, in our hearts. Does this sound difficult? No, right? But it actually is. Let me throw light on how things around us make it difficult, unattainable.

Begin Chasing Your Dream RIGHT NOW - The Naked Vocalist
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As we grow up, we blend ourselves with our surroundings. We make ourselves one of the many around us and in order to gain acceptance, learn faster. In today’s world, with all these advancements around us, we run to acquire more before the scheduled time and tend to suppress the inner voice till a point it dies out. This is where most of us fail. In the hunger for tomorrow, we fail to carve today which in turn is actually responsible for tomorrow. Short-cuts, we all love it. When innocent ignorance converts into materialistic knowledge before time, people resist changes and taking risks. In doing so, we replace our dreams with the ones in our comfort zone. The fear of losing holds us back from exploring the odds, which no one has seen or experienced yet. What if the odds are better? But no, we don’t think in that direction. We always worry about what if they are not. A child doesn’t fear ghosts until he/she comes to know about them. Getting the point?

 Now the other problem-faith. We have no faith, let go of others, not even in ourselves. And that’s why we fail to understand the omens which have been laid through our journey for showing us the right path at times of confusion. This lack of faith also prevents us from understanding the language of this world. Even a bird can warn us about the forthcomings but are we able to understand them? No. Moreover, we all learn things the same way whereas, we all are hardwired to learn things in a different way. This makes the process even more excruciating.

All the things listed above point in one direction- dreams need courage. And, not everyone has it. Don’t believe me? Here are two questions:

1)   How many of you are actually following your dreams, the real ones? Most of us leave our dreams behind unknowingly. Others decide to overlook them. Why is that so most of us who think about being sailors, shepherds, bakers end up being doctors and engineers? Not a bad thing, but are we really living the life we wished for? Society changes our views; the narrow-mindedness blocks our way towards a better tomorrow.

2)   This question is for those who happened to pass the first one. When was the last time you showed faith in yourself?

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These questions will help you clear a lot many doubts and also tell you your current situation. Both questions need courage to be answered, for an answer. We need to focus on carving our present instead of worrying about the future which blurs the omens and prevents us from following our dreams. Living the present to determine the future is what makes the quest successful. We study present based on the future, canceling the whole point. Most of us live like dead humans. Our dreams are meant to lead us to destinies no matter what but are we worth? No, we are not. We lack the courage, that’s a fact, and all we do is blame the fate. All the scriptures contain the language of the soul. The myths, stories surrounding them are illustrations for our understanding but we never give a chance at understanding them. We think that all paths leading to destinies are spiritual. But they are not. There is so much more to it than we understand. A soldier can’t attain his destiny through rumination in the Himalayas. Even atheists have predefined destinies, even though they don’t believe in spirituality. Destinies and dreams are not the same for everyone. Everyone has their own path and goal. A doctor’s destiny is to cure and a driver’s is to ride. What matters, in the end, is attainment.

Every quest is different, every path is untraceable and every journey, an unprecedented event. We have to make our own choices and take up risks or we will end up running round and round in the vicious circle of life and death trying to complete our quest.



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